Mega Power Star Ram Charan Tej is all set to begin his Bollywood innings in style with the remake of Amitabh Bachchan’s iconic flick, ‘Zanjeer’. The movie will be launched on April 20th in Mumbai and Apoorva Lakhia is going to direct this flick. Though Deepika Padukone’s name is being heard in film circles as the heroine, nothing is confirmed yet and it remains to be seen if Deepika actually has the dates to spare.
‘Zanjeer’ turned out to be a landmark film in Amitabh’s career and earned him the famous title ‘Angry Young Man’. The movie has some intense drama and superb conflict points that will make for a solid entertainer. Stepping into the shoes of Big B is never an easy task. Let us hope Charan finds success in Bollywood.