Here is an unfortunate news for Mega Power Star ram charan's fans. As per the reports, it is learnt that ram charan was injured on his leg while he was trying for a typical step for one of the songs of 'Rachcha'. The incident occurred on the sets of Annapurna sets and Prem Rakshit is the dance master for the song. As per the Orthopedic surgeons, ram charan needs to take at least six weeks rest. However, it is learnt that one and half songs are in balance to complete the movie's shoot.
Rachcha, was earlier planned to be released on 29th of this month. But we have to see whether the release date of the movie will be postponed due to the Charan's injury or not. On the other hand, the audio of this movie is releasing in Hyderabad on 11th of this month and ram charan was supposed to do dance for one of the songs. It is reliably known that ram charan is sure to attend this function. However, he will not dance for any song due to the latest incident. Hope, he gets well soon.