The eager moments of waiting came to an end recently during the audio release function of ‘Rachcha’ as the first teaser got unveiled. While the feel of the songs is already being discussed, there are those who have begun to post-mortem the teaser to gauge how the film will be.
The focus is on the dialogues and those who heard this say it reminds them of ‘Gharana Mogudu’ flavour. One of the dialogue goes “Left indicator vesko..“ which sounds similar to “Face left turning ichchuko” in ‘Gharana Mogudu’.
Looking at the promos few others are saying Charan has moulded his body language in Chiru style in many sequences. Of course, the teaser which is barely a minute is hard to decide upon the film but looking at the depth of analysis happening, one can imagine what will happen when ‘Rachcha’ really arrives